C. Walsh Realty

Christine Vaughn

No comparison, believe me! We have not found a house in NC yet, and I wish I could wave a magic wand so you were here to help us. Your professionalism, analytical and problem solving skills are amazing. I don’t think we could have sold our house in MA without you. I recommended you to all our neighbors there and told them they would be wasting their time with anyone else. We have bought and sold houses in many states, and you are the best real estate agent we have ever run across. You are 100% invested in your clients, which is a trait most of the realtors we have dealt with don’t have. You stay on top of things–grass would never grow under your feet! Analyzing problems and coming up with solutions is one of the critical traits that separates you from the rest, and we certainly needed those skills selling an older home. You took most of the stress out of the process for us, which was greatly appreciated. You set a high bar, and we find ourselves comparing our current realtor to you. No comparison, believe me! Miss you!